Annual Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a serious health issue that worries many people. Efforts to prevent, detect early, and treat it are important. Events like the “Annual Cervical Cancer Meet-2024” help teach people about getting screened, vaccinated, and accessing healthcare. They focus on essential aspects of cervical cancer prevention, early detection, and the latest advances in treatment options. These gatherings help people learn to take care of themselves better and stay healthy.

Dr. Shital Vaidya, a Specialist Gynaecologist at Lifeline Clinic in Dubai, shares her extensive expertise as a panelist at the “Annual Cervical Cancer Meet-2024” organized by Health Magazine, the leading Health & Lifestyle magazine, supported by MSD & FOCP (Friends of Cancer Patients). Her insights pave the way for greater cervical cancer awareness, showcasing her unwavering dedication to women’s health.
